It's a Sunshine Day

I'm a stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children. They are the sunshine of my life. Sure, plenty of clouds, showers, and more severe weather move through my atmosphere on occasion; some forecasted, some unexpected. But my three little beams of light, four if you count their Daddy, always seem to shine their way through the clouds and brighten my world.

Through this blog, I will document my happy, silly little family's adventures and many of the fun (and not-so-fun) things that arise in our daily lives. I plan to examine some of the issues that I encounter as a woman, devoted wife, and mom to three. But most of all, I hope to use my cheerful, hopeful, and mostly positive outlook to find just a little more light in each day.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sisters Rock

OK, so earlier today I pondered the concept of whether or not I might be insane.  Today, I believe my children were on a mission to help me answer that question....and it was not the answer I was hoping for.  Yes, they have been driving me INSANE!

Five-year old "Bigs" and seven-year old "Sprat" have been at each other's throats this summer.  I called my sister last night, who often commiserates with me on the challenges of motherhood.  I guess she felt sorry for me because this morning she called me and told me to pack them up, they were coming to her house.  Praise the Lord, I had about 6 hours to myself to clean the house.  I don't think I have had 6 hours to myself since Sprat was born.  I used the time well, for the most part.  I did fool around on my new favorite websites....Blogger and Livestrong...but only for a little while.  I am almost through the pile of laundry that inevitably piles up every couple of weeks around here.  I owe my sister big time for doing this for me.  The gift of time has become so much more valuable to me than any monetary or material item ever could be.

When I got to my sister's house to pick up the kids, we got started talking about a couple of head-on auto collisions that have taken place in our community recently.  We were reminded, since one of them was in the exact same location, of two sisters from our neighborhood who were in an accident when we were kids and one of them died.  The only thing I could imagine being worse than growing up without a sister is possibly growing up with one and then losing her.  My prayers are with the family members of those who were killed.  Excessive speed was a factor in both of the accidents and it drives me nuts to see driving in my town turn into a road race.  Such a reminder to cherish the relationships you have with your loved ones...there are no guarantees in this crazy world.

Then I looked up and Sprat actually had his arm around Bigs and they were walking through my sister's beautiful backyard into the sunset together....for real.  I had trouble believing it, too.  Look at that.....Sprat loves his sister, too.  Awwww!  Found my ray of hope for today.  Ahhhhh.  That feels good.

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