It's a Sunshine Day

I'm a stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children. They are the sunshine of my life. Sure, plenty of clouds, showers, and more severe weather move through my atmosphere on occasion; some forecasted, some unexpected. But my three little beams of light, four if you count their Daddy, always seem to shine their way through the clouds and brighten my world.

Through this blog, I will document my happy, silly little family's adventures and many of the fun (and not-so-fun) things that arise in our daily lives. I plan to examine some of the issues that I encounter as a woman, devoted wife, and mom to three. But most of all, I hope to use my cheerful, hopeful, and mostly positive outlook to find just a little more light in each day.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Am I Insane?

Starting this blog is just the first splash into shallow water.  The greater challenge in my life right now is waiting for me down there at the deep end...

Yesterday was Day 1 of a 12-week half marathon training program that I've decided to embark upon.  It sounds a little crazy, I know.  I'm not a big runner....more of a "jogger".   I'm on a mission to lose weight as well (more on this later).  With many failed attempts under my belt for the weight loss and one failed attempt at the half marathon, I am hoping this time will be totally different. 

So, according to the training plan, Day 1 was a "Stretch and Strengthen" day.  And do you wanna know that I was actually planning to blow it off?  Already, on Day 1, I was thinking of just skipping and picking up tomorrow.  I mean, the real training for a half is the running, right?  Wrong.  Hubby reminded me of this when he came home from work early and sent me off to the gym.  "If you're gonna follow a plan, you actually have to follow the plan," he said.    Seems fairly straight-forward.  Suddenly I am reminded of the quote about insanity.   A fairly intelligent individual once said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

That Albert Einstein was one smart dude.  He makes a good point.  Blowing off workouts has not worked for me in the past, what makes me think skimming over Day 1 is going to result in anything other than the same failures I have experienced in the past?  Am I really insane?  Time to do things a little differently here.

And so I am going to follow this 12-week novice half marathon training schedule to the best of my ability, and I am going to track my eating habits on this awesome (free) food/calorie tracker that I found on the Livestrong website.  

Dear Blog, my new best friend, you get to hear all about it.  I've read a million times that documenting everything is the best way to keep yourself accountable when you set out on a challenge such as this.  I may even save my dear hubby and my best friends some sanity by having "someone" to talk to about this besides them.  

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